(Empty) | |
| 1 <!doctype html> |
| 2 <html> |
| 3 <head> |
| 4 <meta charset="utf-8"> |
| 5 <title>Request init: simple cases</title> |
| 6 <meta name="help" href="https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#request"> |
| 7 <meta name="author" title="Canon Research France" href="https://www.crf.cano
n.fr"> |
| 8 <script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script> |
| 9 <script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script> |
| 10 </head> |
| 11 <body> |
| 12 <script> |
| 13 var methods = {"givenValues" : ["GET", "HEAD", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE", "O
PTIONS", "head"], |
| 14 "expectedValues" : ["GET", "HEAD", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE",
| 15 }; |
| 16 var referrers = {"givenValues" : ["/relative/ressource", |
| 17 "http://{{host}}:{{ports[http][0]}}/rela
tive/ressource?query=true#fragment", |
| 18 "http://{{host}}:{{ports[http][0]}}/", |
| 19 "http://test.url", |
| 20 "about:client", |
| 21 "" |
| 22 ], |
| 23 "expectedValues" : ["http://{{host}}:{{ports[http][0]}}/r
elative/ressource", |
| 24 "http://{{host}}:{{ports[http][0]}}/r
elative/ressource?query=true#fragment", |
| 25 "http://{{host}}:{{ports[http][0]}}/"
, |
| 26 "about:client", |
| 27 "about:client", |
| 28 "" |
| 29 ] |
| 30 }; |
| 31 var referrerPolicies = {"givenValues" : [ "", |
| 32 "no-referrer", |
| 33 "no-referrer-when-downgrade", |
| 34 "origin", |
| 35 "origin-when-cross-origin", |
| 36 "unsafe-url", |
| 37 "same-origin", |
| 38 "strict-origin", |
| 39 "strict-origin-when-cross-origin
" |
| 40 ], |
| 41 "expectedValues" : ["", |
| 42 "no-referrer", |
| 43 "no-referrer-when-downgrade", |
| 44 "origin", |
| 45 "origin-when-cross-origin", |
| 46 "unsafe-url", |
| 47 "same-origin", |
| 48 "strict-origin", |
| 49 "strict-origin-when-cross-orig
in" |
| 50 ] |
| 51 }; |
| 52 var modes = {"givenValues" : ["same-origin", "no-cors", "cors", "navigate"
], |
| 53 "expectedValues" : ["same-origin", "no-cors", "cors", "same-o
rigin"] |
| 54 }; |
| 55 var credentials = {"givenValues" : ["omit", "same-origin", "include"], |
| 56 "expectedValues" : ["omit", "same-origin", "include"] |
| 57 }; |
| 58 var caches = {"givenValues" : [ "default", "no-store", "reload", "no-cache
", "force-cache"], |
| 59 "expectedValues" : [ "default", "no-store", "reload", "no-ca
che", "force-cache"] |
| 60 }; |
| 61 var redirects = {"givenValues" : ["follow", "error", "manual"], |
| 62 "expectedValues" : ["follow", "error", "manual"] |
| 63 }; |
| 64 var integrities = {"givenValues" : ["", "AZERTYUIOP1234567890" ], |
| 65 "expectedValues" : ["", "AZERTYUIOP1234567890"] |
| 66 }; |
| 67 |
| 68 //there is no getter for window, init's window might be null |
| 69 var windows = {"givenValues" : [ null ], |
| 70 "expectedValues" : [undefined] |
| 71 }; |
| 72 |
| 73 var initValuesDict = { "method" : methods, |
| 74 "referrer" : referrers, |
| 75 "referrerPolicy" : referrerPolicies, |
| 76 "mode" : modes, |
| 77 "credentials" : credentials, |
| 78 "cache" : caches, |
| 79 "redirect" : redirects, |
| 80 "integrity" : integrities, |
| 81 "window" : windows |
| 82 }; |
| 83 |
| 84 for (var attributeName in initValuesDict) { |
| 85 var valuesToTest = initValuesDict[attributeName]; |
| 86 for (var valueIdx in valuesToTest["givenValues"]) { |
| 87 var givenValue = valuesToTest["givenValues"][valueIdx]; |
| 88 var expectedValue = valuesToTest["expectedValues"][valueIdx]; |
| 89 test(function() { |
| 90 var requestInit = {}; |
| 91 requestInit[attributeName] = givenValue |
| 92 var request = new Request("", requestInit); |
| 93 assert_equals(request[attributeName], expectedValue, |
| 94 "Expect request's " + attributeName + " is " + expectedValue + " w
hen initialized with " + givenValue); |
| 95 }, "Check " + attributeName + " init value of " + givenValue + " and a
ssociated getter"); |
| 96 } |
| 97 } |
| 98 </script> |
| 99 </body> |
| 100 </html> |